The other night, as I was starting to cook dinner for myself, I thought, “Hmm, let’s time and document this to see if I actually know what I’m talking about.”

The menu was sautéed beef liver (grass-fed) with onions, boiled yellow and purple fingerling potatoes with Anchor butter and parsley, roasted broccoli, and a chunk of whole wheat bread. The meat, vegetables and bread were bought at the farmers market that day, and the total cost for everything was about $6.25.
(For the broccoli, potatoes and bread, I used about a third of what I bought, and calculated accordingly. For the minimal amounts of butter, olive oil, parsley, unrefined sea salt and fresh ground pepper, I generously added $1.00. The onion was $0.25 and the half pound of liver was $3.50.)
I know some of you are saying, “That’s gross,” in regard to the liver. But trust me; it was delicious (and so healthy). More importantly, the same dinner can be made with a hamburger, chicken breast, fish filet or telephone book. And the vegetables used can be substituted freely. Home cooking is all about basic technique, confidence and good ingredients.
Here’s a play-by-play of the process:
(I’m sure many of you are thinking that you can’t do this as quickly as I describe. But I was taking notes and photos while cooking, so this is likely a realistic timetable for people who don’t cook as often as I do.)
0:00 - Preheat oven to 375° (for broccoli).
0:05 - Wash broccoli and fingerling potatoes.
1:00 - Put potatoes in a small saucepan, cover with water, bring to a boil.
2:00 - Let liver rest in paper towel to absorb moisture, which will help

4:00 – Reduce temperature of water cooking potatoes to a simmer.
5:00 - Cut broccoli into bite-size florets, put on baking sheet, sprinkle with olive oil, salt and pepper, and mix.

7:00 – Put broccoli into oven.
7:45 – Heat oil in sauté pan (for onions).
8:45 – When oil is hot, put in onions and brown. Stir occasionally.
10:00 – Check potatoes and broccoli for doneness.
13:45 – Onions browned (5 minutes); push to side of sauté pan.
14:00 – Potatoes cooked (13 minutes). Drain water, let cool.

14:15 – Season liver with salt and pepper, put in sauté pan. Cook on one side for 2 minutes.
14:30 – Check comments on blog; anyone reading?
15:00 – Broccoli done (8 minutes). Remove from oven and plate.
16:15 – Turn liver to second side. Brown for 1 minute.
17:15 – Liver cooked (3 minutes). Transfer to cooling rack and let rest for two minutes.
17:30 – Cut potatoes into bite-size pieces, chop parsley, cut a tablespo

19:30 – Plate liver and onions. Garnish with extra parsley.
19:58 - Eat!
-Telephone call to baby buddha for General Tsao's Chicken...37 seconds
-delivery to your door....5 mins
Love emmet
Yes! Someone is reading Rob! Perhaps you wit is almost on the verge on intimidating, but I will risk a commment anyway... After your description of liver, you have inspired me to try it on my next order of grass-fed meats.
Thank you for the mention at the 2-minute mark to let the liver rest on paper towels. It is the little hints like this that give us newbies aspirations of culinary greatness (for better or for worse)!
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