Friday, February 26, 2010

Removing Toxins From Your Kitchen: Use Glass Containers

Click here to read Nicholas Kristof's column "Do Toxins Cause Autism?" from yesterday's
New York Times.


  1. I'm all for getting rid of plastic containers. I bought a 12 pack of mason jars for about $10. I use them for dry goods, like beans but also for leftover soups, etc. You can even freeze them (just be sure to leave enough head room, so they don't break).
    kara @ An Hour in the Kitchen

  2. Thanks for these tips! I use glass containers and I've been wondering about other ways to cut down on toxins. Any tips for the best pans to use?

  3. Meetinglunch - Check back on Tuesday; I'll discuss pans then.

    Kara - Great tip on not filling the glass jars all the way to the top. Thanks.


  4. Hi Chef Rob-

    I noticed that in your bio that you grow your own vegetables and was wondering if you could perhaps do a post on how to grow your own herbs/veggies (for some reason mine always die within about 2 weeks). Tips for fellow New Yorkers whose "garden space" amounts to a window box would be appreciated :)


  5. Lisa,

    I wrote a post earlier this winter on growing parsley indoors:

    I'll write a post when spring is almost here with tips about growing herbs in a window box. (Veggies are much tougher with only a window box.)

