Friday, April 9, 2010

Say ‘No’ to Genetically Engineered Crops in Foreign Aid

Here's the latest e-mail alert I received from the Pesticide Action Network, which works to protect us from highly hazardous pesticides. Click here to let your senators know how you feel.
Despite a mountain of evidence that genetically engineered (GE) crops have failed to deliver, a new multi-billion dollar aid bill directs taxpayer dollars towards more GE research. As written, the Senate bill is a stealth giveaway to corporations like Monsanto in the name of feeding the world's poor.

Tell your Senator to oppose the Global Food Security Act until the GE clause is removed!

The Global Food Security Act (SB 384) is the biggest U.S. agricultural aid initiative in more than half a century. The bill mandates that U.S. taxpayer dollars support research on genetically engineered crops. No other specific technologies are even mentioned.

By including a federal mandate that GE crop research and development be funded by U.S. taxpayers, we are writing a check to Monsanto and other industry giants. Monsanto has been lobbying actively for the bill's passage. No wonder. The law directs $7.7 billion to agricultural research and development, and Monsanto has a clear interest in how this money is spent.

"At the end of the day, GE crops don't have much to offer farmers in the developing world," notes PAN senior scientist Dr. Marcia Ishii-Eiteman. "Recent UN reports point to agroecological farming for more promising solutions to world hunger."

Scientists who have examined the evidence around the globe agree: GE crops are not the answer to world hunger. Tell you senator: No GE crops in foreign aid.

1 comment:

  1. That was a quick email sent to my senators. Thanks for the boost to get me know about and do it!
