Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Early Season Garden Update: Lots of Green

The weather this spring has been almost perfect for gardening and the vegetables I am growing are doing super.

It’s still early in the season, but we’ve been eating radishes and a host of baby greens, including—from left to right in the photo—turnip greens, red mizuna, spinach, purple kale and arugula. I’ve also been cutting green mizuna, broccoli rabe greens, radish greens and mustard greens. Flavors vary from mild to very spicy.

If you have a farmers’ market or farm stand nearby, there should be plenty of lettuces and baby greens available. Also look for local asparagus and strawberries, both of which thrive this time of year.

Next up are sugar snap peas, which I should start picking in about three weeks.

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