Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Benefits of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Many people who don’t have time to shop at farmers’ markets take part in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), in which farmers provide members with weekly bundles of seasonal produce.

Farmers love the prepaid subscriptions, while consumers enjoy the convenience and accessibility to fresh fruits and vegetables. At the farmers’ market in St. Andrews, New Brunswick two weeks ago, I met a farmer whose livelihood depends on his CSA.

Mike has only two acres and a greenhouse at Bantry Bay Farm, but that’s enough to supply 75 CSA members, a marked increase from 15 members when he and his partners started farming four years ago. (There are also 30 people on a waiting list.)

In addition to the CSA, Bantry Bay supplies a top-notch local restaurant. Surplus produce is sold at the weekly market in St. Andrews.

I’m glad I found Mike because his carrots were some of the sweetest I’ve eaten recently. Better yet, Mike doesn’t use any sprays, even organic ones.

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