Friday, September 17, 2010

What Do Doctors Know About Nutrition?

Can you blame me for thinking that many doctors know little about nutrition, our tainted food supply and the correlation between the two and our health when I’ve had doctors in my cooking lessons clueless about bleached white flours, grass-fed vs. corn-fed meats and the dangers of artificial colorants?

Is this lack of knowledge one reason why doctors prescribe pill after pill after pill without dispensing advice about diet?

I’m sorry, but “eat less fat” does not count as proper nutritional counsel, especially when the health benefits of avocados, wild salmon, nuts and grass-fed meats are never discussed.

A recent article in The New York Times, written by a doctor, addresses the issue and discusses what’s being done to remedy the situation.

Now only if we could get dentists to stop giving away samples of Crest and Colgate toothpaste.


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