Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dear American Chemistry Council, What Are You Thinking?

Flying under the news cycle's radar is the Food Safety Modernization Bill, which the Senate will resume debating on November 29. The bill has many important facets, but one major component is the granting of authority to the Food and Drug Administration to recall tainted food. (Recalls are now voluntary.)

Amazingly, one proposed amendment to the bill that won’t be included in its final version is Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) attempt to eliminate the use of bisphenol-A (BPA) in baby bottles and sippy cups.

BPA, a possible endocrine disruptor, has been linked to a variety of ailments and has been the subject of legislation in seven states. In addition, the major manufacturers and retailers have begun to phase out BPA from their products.

That being said, Feinstein’s amendment—a no-brainer, even in our fractured political state—was shot down last week by the American Chemistry Council, the lobbying arm for several chemical giants.

But word has started to spread and public anger against the ACC has snowballed. Needless to say, Feinstein wasn’t too happy; click here to read her harsh “Statement on Obstruction of Efforts to Reach Compromise Agreement on Use of BPA in Baby Products.”

Luckily, the Pesticide Action Network has made it easy for us to voice our rage. Click here to send the following letter to Cal Dooley, the President and CEO of the ACC.
Dear Mr. Dooley:

I am outraged that the American Chemistry Council killed a bipartisan effort to protect kids from the toxic chemical BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups. Shame on you for gambling with our children’s health in order to increase chemical company profits.

There’s little question about the dangers of this chemical. Over 200 scientific studies show that BPA exposure, particularly during infancy, is associated with a wide range of adverse health effects in later life, including breast and prostate cancer, birth defects, infertility in men, early puberty in girls, diabetes and obesity.

Three countries and seven states have already banned BPA from baby bottles and sippy cups. With so many safer alternatives to BPA available, and consumer concern at an all time high, why would you direct the ACC to block a common sense measure to phase it out of baby bottles and sippy cups?

I stand united with 40 million other Americans including moms, nurses, scientists and public health advocates, who are calling on the ACC to do the right thing and stop blocking federal policy aimed at protecting the health of all children from this unsafe, hormonally active chemical.

The bottom line profits of chemical manufactures should not be allowed to trump children's health. Period.

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