Friday, June 10, 2011

Help Me Help Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Help Society

Those of you who follow this blog or have cooked with me know how seriously I take the issue of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, artificial colors and other synthetic additives in our food and water supply. By the day, the link between these chemicals and the explosion of chronic diseases, especially in children, is becoming more difficult to deny.

Last month, to demonstrate how strongly I believe we must limit these chemicals, I personally matched the first $1,000 that was donated to the Pesticide Action Network (PAN)—an organization doing essential policy work on our behalf—through a special link on PAN's website.

The match was a success; 33 people donated close to $2,000! Thank you to everyone who gave!

Even though my matching commitment was met, the link to give is still active. Click here to make a donation to PAN; every dollar is important in helping to fight the corporate and political interests that seem to relish making bushels of money at the expense of our health.

To read more about PAN's work, click here.

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