Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Yin and Yang of Urban Community Gardens

Home gardening continues to spread as people try to make ends meet and/or partially opt out of our compromised food supply chain.

Even in urban areas, the trend is on the upswing, as seen in a recent Wall Street Journal article about the growing number of community gardens in the once-neglected Bronx.
"The 2.5-acre plot is actually a working farm in the heart of the Bronx called La Finca del Sur, yielding 30 pounds of produce a week at peak harvest. Wedged between Metro North tracks, the Major Deegan and the Grand Concourse, it is the largest of a growing network of farms across the Bronx that health and government officials say will soon rival Brooklyn and Manhattan's more celebrated web of local food producers."
Unfortunately, stealing fruits and vegetables from others' gardens is a pastime for some, according to The New York Times:

"At the 700 community gardens sprinkled through the city like little Edens, the first commandment should be obvious: Thou shalt not covet, much less steal, thy neighbor’s tomatoes, cucumbers or peppers. But people do."
Click here to read "Pilfered Peppers in City Gardens; Tomatoes, Too."

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