Friday, October 14, 2011

World Food Day & Millions Against Monsanto This Sunday

World Food Day is this Sunday and the Organic Consumers Association has spearheaded Millions Against Monsanto, a campaign consisting of dozens of local events nationwide to raise awareness about the corporate control of food supply and to call for the labeling of foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Click here to find a Millions Against Monsanto event near you.

In addition, two grassroots movements have sprung up in California and Michigan aiming to get mandatory GMO labeling initiatives on those states' ballot in November 2012.

Click here to read about California's ballot initiative against GMOs and click here to read about what's going on in Michigan.

By the way, President Obama
in his more innocent dayscampaigned for the labeling of genetically modified foods. (Click here to watch on YouTube if you do not see the video below.)

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