Friday, December 2, 2011

McDonald's to Charge for Happy Meals, Avoiding New SF Law

San Francisco's law banning the giveaway of free toys in fast food meals started yesterday.

Leave it to our friends at McDonald's, though, to figure out a crafty end run to keep the practice going while (in theory) engendering positive PR in the process.

It will now cost 10 cents to turn a boring, slightly toxic fast food meal into a veritable carnival! But don't think McDonald's is making any money in the process; all proceeds will, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, "help build a new Ronald McDonald House to temporarily house families with sick children at the new UCSF Hospital under construction at the Mission Bay campus."

I have to admit, it's an absolutely brilliant play. I better eat my Wheaties this morning if I want to be able to compete with McDonald's marketing team!

Click here to read the full San Francisco Chronicle article.

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand the uproar. I used to take my kids to play at McDonalds play lands. I would BUY the happy meal toy for them....they rarely wanted the food. McDonalds has always allowed you to simply buy the were not required to eat the food.
