Tuesday, July 27, 2010

No Future for Fish? Elizabeth Kolbert: "The Scales Fall"

Eating fish isn’t as simple as it used to be, with decisions to be made about sustainability issues and wild vs. farmed (choose wild).

To say the future of fish (and fishing) is threatened is an understatement, according to “The Scales Fall,” Elizabeth Kolbert’s article in the current issue of The New Yorker.

Kolbert writes:
"If the Atlantic bluefin tuna were the first species to be fished into oblivion, its destruction would be shameful. But, of course, its story has become routine. Cod, once so plentiful off the coast of Newfoundland that they could be scooped up in baskets, are now scarce. The same goes for halibut, haddock, swordfish, marlin, and skate; it’s been calculated that stocks of large predatory fish have declined by ninety per cent in the past half century."
Click here to read the entire story.


  1. Hi Rob-
    Have you heard of Local Ocean in Hudson, NY?
    It's pretty cool. Maybe we should give our oceans a break and eat more fish from sustainable aquaculture systems.

    Currently, Local Ocean just sells to restaurants, but they hope to start selling retail this fall.

    I was lucky enough to get a summer flounder. Super fresh, but they aren't set up to process so you get (and pay for) the whole fish, guts and all.

  2. Kara,

    Thanks for the tip; I hadn't heard of Local Ocean.

    Looks interesting. Do you know what they are feeding the fish?

