Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Scene at Stone Barns: Will Climb for Lunch

An important player in the recent farm-to-table movement is Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, which we visited the other day.

The Center’s mission:

Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture is a farm, a kitchen, a classroom–an exhibit, a laboratory, a campus. The mission of this unique, nonprofit, member-driven collaboration is to celebrate, teach and advance community-based food production and enjoyment, from farm to classroom to table.
Each time I go, I learn something new. This visit’s highlight was seeing the livestock up close and appreciating the civil manner in which animals can be raised. It was a starkly different scene than what was portrayed in “Food, Inc.,” the Academy Award-nominated documentary.

Mother Nature is amazing, as witnessed from the two photos. What to do if you are a hungry sheep not tall enough to reach your meal (leaves on the tree)? Simple; use your friend as a step stool!

I’ll post videos of the turkeys and pigs in action tomorrow and Friday.

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