One recipe I make that uses a few tomatoes is a quick salsa. It’s as simple as:
Chop tomatoes, put in bowl (with tomato juices). Add chopped scallion or red onion, parsley or cilantro, olive oil, lemon juice, unrefined sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Mix, taste and adjust seasoning accordingly.
Store the salsa in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Eat with chips or spoon over chicken, beef or fish.
Chef Rob,
I would love to know what kind of tomato is in the photo. It looks delicious and I would like to try growing it.
They are Sweet Treats tomatoes, a hybrid variety developed by a Japanese seed company. They grow to about the size of a golf ball and are very sweet. The plant is still producing.
Thanks for this delicious sounding recipe; particularly helpful as a gluten allergy sufferer I am always on the lookout for healthy new and creative menu items sans gluten. I will surely be trying this recipe soon
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