In the United States, for example, M&M’s and Skittles (Mars, Inc.), Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars (Kellogg’s) and strawberry sundaes at McDonald’s contain artificial dyes, while the same products in Europe are colored with plant-based extracts.
In the European Union, warning labels are required for foods containing any of six artificial colors. Because of Europe’s heightened awareness of synthetic dyes, a warning label is tantamount to limited sales. Thus, extracts from real foods such as beets, paprika and turmeric are used to color.
But not all American companies are so stuck in their hometown mud. Pepperidge Farm, which, for seven years, had used artificial colorants in its colored goldfish, switched to natural dyes in July 2010.
The colored goldfish are now brightened with annatto extract, beet juice concentrate, paprika extract, paprika, turmeric extract, huito juice concentrate and watermelon juice concentrate, instead of blue 2, red 40, red 3 and blue 1. (There is a banner on the new bags with "Colors From Natural Ingredients" written.)
Interestingly, Pepperidge Farm cited customer preference for its recent switch, the same reason it gave me in September 2008 for employing artificial colors in 2003.
Pepperidge Farm, March 2011: “There were so many consumers who had children that had problems with artificial colorings that we decided to change to the natural colorants.”
Pepperidge Farm, September 2008: “We used to use natural colorings, but we couldn’t achieve the vibrant colors that consumers wanted, so we had to go the other way. Consumer preference was for a brighter, broader range of colors.”
While it may seem that the large corporations exert iron-fisted control, know that public sentiment and purchasing power—and their role in the bottom line—shouldn’t be taken for granted. Don’t like a product? Make a phone call (or six).
Now to do something about the many ingredients in Milano Cookies lol
Great article! I wish they would all switch out of the yucky colors and give us natural. It must be cheaper too?
The yucky (aka artificial) colors are cheaper than the natural versions.
Unfortunately, they still use annatto, which is natural, and which I am allergic to.
Great product. They taste delicious and the colors are great.
thank you for your interesting infomation. Digital-Depth
Thank you so much for using natural foods for your colors in Goldfish Crackers.
I just noticed this, huito juice concentrate, on the pkg of colored goldfish crackers and I am pleased that they have done away with artificial colors. My family has had issues in the past with green food coloring and I avoid buying anything that contains a large amount of food coloring.
So I'm not crazy!
hmm.. I miss the vibrant goldfish colors. I miss the purple fish. Oh well.
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