Who to believe? Personally, I avoid foods grown with pesticides, but the Alliance thinks I'm crazy and wasting my money. And if you consult the group's pesticide residue calculator (click here, then hit "Calculate") you would think that pesticides are as harmless as a book burning.
Despite the Alliance's snazzy safefruitsandveggies website, I'll still make sure that the 571 servings of apples and 3,265 servings of kale I can eat in one day without suffering any effects (even if the apples and kale have the highest pesticide residue recorded for apples by the USDA) are organic.
I really think if people are careful shoppers they can eat lots of organic foods a lot less expensively than the prevailing view would assume.
you are exactly rite Mr., even i avoid food grown with pesticides, organic is the best way to grow the vegetables.. very valuable information
keep sharing like this some more
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