Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Marketing Food to Kids

(First of two parts)

The difference between real food and junk food extends to their respective websites.

The other day, I needed information on how almonds grow. I Googled “how do almonds grow” and was led to the Almond Board of
California’s Almonds Are In! web site. A click on the link The Lifecycle of Almonds led me to an informative slide show (above, right) that could be used as a research tool by any kid or adult.

The other end
of the spectrum? Sample the rock concert (lower your computer’s volume if you are at work) being staged at the Froot Loops Cereal Straws site, the Caribbean vacation (with five theme songs) available from Cap’n Crunch (left) and the games and videos (Pixar-like animation) offered by Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Spirals (below, right).

These web sites are another marketing tool used by the food c
ompanies to attract new customers (read: kids) to their products. Sites as interactive as these cost a lot of money to develop and not everyone can afford to make such a splash.

For example,
quinoa (one of the healthiest foods you can eat) is making a great comeback but has virtually no on-line presence. Unfortunately, Bolivia's National Association of Quinoa Producers has been a little slow in getting its site up and running.

(Tomorrow: My boat race on

1 comment:

grumkin said...

I found your blog by searching on Trix yogurt. I should have posted this comment there, but I'll add it here.

Trix yogurt (and others) market to kids with chances to win $10,000. That's why I was suckered into buying it.

Since you don't have kids, you don't understand. I used to think it was easy too, but then I got tired. Let's face it, you pick your battles.