Coincidentally, one of the stories was “7 More Household Toxins You Should Banish from Your Home.” Number two on the list was Monsanto’s Roundup, the dangerous and popular pesticide that will also soon be used to kill everything in a genetically engineered alfalfa field, except Monsanto’s genetically engineered alfalfa, which is genetically engineered to withstand Monsanto's Roundup.
I’ll let Rodale explain why we should try not to eat genetically engineered crops and not use Roundup on our lawns:
#2: Roundup
You probably know that using Roundup (glyphosate) and other pesticides in your lawn and garden adds chemicals to your soil and water. But did you know that Roundup used on and around food crops also ends up inside the food you eat, according to plant pathologist Don Huber, PhD, professor emeritus at Purdue University. That's problematic because scientists are learning that Roundup affects defensive enzymes our bodies use to keep us healthy. Roundup also reduces a plant's ability to take up vital micronutrients that humans require for survival.
Better alternative: Corn, soy, and canola are common crops that have been genetically engineered to withstand heavy dousings of Roundup, and foods containing these ingredients tend to contain higher levels of Roundup than other crops do. To avoid genetically engineered (GE) foods and Roundup in your food, buy organic. If your find yourself reaching for chemical products like Roundup to zap weeds on your property, check out Organic Gardening's organic weed-control tips for safer alternatives.
Please watch "The Future of Food" if you are interested in learning more about GMO. This food should be labeled as such or abolished
Anoymous - I completely agree. At the very least, GMO food should be labeled as such.
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