Do not be fooled by General Mills Yoplait Trix Lowfat Yogurt. Several of this product's ingredients, including its sugars (disguised with various names) and artificial colors, are dangerous.
Also disconcerting is its residence in the seemingly healthy neighborhood of supermarkets’ yogurt sections, which leads parents to believe that they are doing right in feeding this to their children. In reality, this product’s existence is akin to the worst fraud perpetrated by any Wall Street executive.
Traditionally, yogurt is the product of introducing a bacterial culture into milk. Yoplait Trix, however, is more criminal than traditional. How else to explain the absence of any fruit in the six flavors I encountered (Watermelon Burst, Strawberry Punch, Strawberry Banana Bash, Raspberry Rainbow, Wildberry Blue and Triple Cherry)? And the marketing claims that there are “2 FRUITY COLORS IN EVERY CUP!” and that “Twice the color means twice the fun!”?
One package is comprised of six 4-ounce cups. Three cups are one flavor, and the other three cups are a second flavor. I examined the ingredients of the six flavors and was surprised to learn that the contents were constant for all six, with only two small exceptions. The Triple Cherry did not contain artificial flavor and the artificial colorants varied slightly for three of the six. Huh?
(Tomorrow: Opening a container of Watermelon Burst)
get a life. general mills kicks butt.
wow, this was a great post. you should see the essay i'm writing on tihs topic, deception of healthy foods. It's crazy with the great research i find, especially with the battle between the federal government and food industry marketers... amazing... i'm lovin' this blog.
You are an idiot. Just what is your point? Yogurt is a healthy food, fat free, regular or whatever form. It depends on your personal needs which you choose. Colored yogurt and bunnies on the container are just visuals for children to entice them to eat yogurt.
So now tell me........what is bad about this product? By the way, if you look at every single label in the market you would never eat anything. you have a degree in nutrition? Or, do you just have a h--d on for General Mills.
Have a great day...........
Whoever left the last post probably does not go to the gym very often. Enjoy the yogurt.
By the way, You are the idiot "Anonymous" whoever posted that last comment is obviously ignorant and uneducated about the subject on this page. All the processed food these days is whats killing America and everyone who is eating the food. Did you notice all the artificial colors, flavors, and added "ingredients" that are present in the example above example? How can you tell me that it is what we are supposed to eat and that it doesn't hurt you? That just shows you how brainwashed 99% of Americans are to believe that anything we buy in the store is 100% OK to eat and has nutritional value. I bet you that the entire yogurt contents are mostly just High Fructose Corn Syrup and Artificial colors and ingredients. You tell me how that is just like other yogurt and how children should even eat any of the crap. You go ahead and eat all the processed food you want, but don't ask for help when your dying at a young age from a plethora of diseases, diabetes, cancer, or any other assorted variance of mis health. You should start thinking about what you put into your body because most of anything these days is filled with man made chemicals and ingredients that your body treats as toxins and are of no nutritional value to you, and actually hurt your immune system and bodily functions in the long run. Just a thought. And by the way, I do have a degree in Organic Nutrition, so I think I would know what I am talking about. Have a great day.
I just wanted to add that my son is in a program for children with behavioral issues. I found out that for "breakfast" there yesterday he ate cocoa puffs with chocolate milk and a side of trix yogurt. For some reason I am expected to think this is Okay, that they are even doing me a favor by feeding him 'breakfast' at school but I am furious and I'm sure I will find my complaints fall on deaf ears.
I found this site when I googled "Trix yogurt & hyperactivity", because my son ate one yesterday (his first and LAST!), and went into a mad tailspin. When we checked the ingredients all we saw was sugar & chemicals. My husband felt terrible because he bought it thinking it would be a healthy snack - what could be wrong with yogurt? How are they allowed to even call this yogurt? Please keep up the good work and inform parents here - I will send friends to this site!
This blog is very old. The current ingredients are: Cultured Pasteurized Grade A Low Fat Milk, Sugar, Modified Corn Starch. Contains Less Than 1% Of: Kosher Gelatin, Citric Acid, Vegetable Juice, Fruit Juice and Beta Carotene (for color), Potassium Sorbate Added to Maintain Freshness, Natural Flavor, Vitamin A Acetate, Vitamin D3.
Sugar is listed as sugar. Also has probiotics, three times as much potassium as sodium. It is a nice little size for kids like me who don't particularly like yogurt, with only 90 calories. I don't see much of anything that is dangerous except maligning General Mills.
They serve this at our school, along with a bag of Doritos, salsa, fake cheese and milk.
The Great One
You're not very intelligent, huh?
Anyways, I agree food dye isn't good, but it's still a good option if you can't stomach regular yogurt.
I was trying to do some research on this yogurt, noticed yours as the only one up 'till now with criticism, but also noticed this is an older post and the ingredients are changed apparently. Do you still feel this yogurt should be out of schools lunchrooms? I would love some more input here. Thank you
You're all a bunch of fucking libtards quit blaming your hyperactive kid on sugary food why don't you take some responsibility and feed your kids yourself you bitchy cocksuckers.
What the fucking fuck is this fucking shit. I fucking gave my fucking kids cancer by feeding them these! I feel sop fucking bad for my fucking god damn kids. Thanks for fucking telling me this bitch!
Even if this was still the current ingredients list, it's not nearly as bad as you made it sound in the beginning. I mean, I've never come across a sensible parent who doesn't understand that most foods with bright colors and aimed at kids use high fructose corn syrup and artificial colors and flavors. None of what is used in Trix yogurt is considered dangerous or illegal in the serving size of the yogurt. You sound like a pro essential oils and/or alternative medicine person...
Man I just want to be the latest post here, also Trix just tastes good who even cares, here for a good time not a long time.
This thread ruined my childhood cool guys🤘
Pussy's just eat the yougert ffs
I agree, this guy is a total idiot. He obviously posts be pseudoscience
Yo soooo.... my ps4 username is verano11 hit me up yeet.
Add me on snapchat @yonata_kidane
This post is 10 years old! Let it live on forever!!
I came here for the yogurt!
Yep you are right who the heck dosen't like trix yogurt
We're not stupid enough as parents to believe that this is a healthy yogurt. It does provide nutrients my picky and light eater wouldn't get otherwise, but he loves the blueberry yogurt and strawberry is in second place. We don't do the cotton candy crap, but just wanted to weigh in. Sometimes, when every meal is a fight, you take some bad empty carbs and thank the good Lord that your picky, super-light eater is actually eating something and ... And this is the kicker ... Many times, asks for more! Calories is what this boy needs lol. I'll take 'em where we can get'em, complex, simple or empty lol.
Me too! ����
Who is at fault now? Everyone who didn't have the decency to reach out to a complete stranger and tell her that she's poisoning her kids with cancer? And what exactly is/are the cancer-causing agent(s)? Aren't you responsible for reading the ingredients and, if necessary, researching some items, as a parent? Sorry, just sayin'. Much love. Hope the kiddos are healthy and happy!
Um if a product has sugar AND high fructose corn syrup AND artificial coloring, that's NOT healthy.
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